Friday 20 October 2017

Star Trek Online Trade Varer Mellom Tegn

Mini Bio (1) Leonard Simon Nimoy ble født i Boston, Massachusetts, til Dora (Spinner) og Max Nimoy, som eide en frisørsalong. Hans foreldre var ukrainske jødiske innvandrere. Nimoy gjorde ikke sin Hollywood debut før han var 20 år, med en del i Queen for a Day (1951) og en annen som ballplayer i den flerårige rabarberen (1951). Etter to år i United States Army, fikk han fortsatt små, ofte ukrediterte deler, som en telex-hær i 105410851080 (1954). Hans del som Narab, en martin som endelig var vennlig til jorden, i den avsluttende scenen i den seriøse republikkens seriøse zombier av Stratosphere (1952), hadde noe foreskadet rollen som ville gjøre ham til et husstandsnavn: Mr. Spock, den halve humanhalf - Vulcan vitenskapsansvarlig på 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966) en av fjernsynets mest suksessfulle serier. Hans forestilling vant ham tre Emmy-nominasjoner og lanserte sin karriere som forfatter og regissør, spesielt av 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 4: 104410861088108610751072 10761086108410861081 (1986), historien om en pukkelhval-redning som viste seg å være den mest suksessfulle av Star Trek-filmene. Stage credits har inkludert Fiddler på taket, Oliver, Camelot og Equus. Han har vært vert for den kjente tv-serien I Søk etter. (1976) og Ancient Mysteries (1994), forfattet flere poesi-volumer og guest-starred på to episoder på 10571080108410871089108610851099 (1989). I de siste årene av sin karriere spilte han Mustafa Mond i NBCs fortelle om Aldous Huxley s 104410801074108510991081 10851086107410991081 108410801088 (1998), uttalt Sentinel Prime i blockbuster 105810881072108510891092108610881084107710881099 3: 105811051084108510721103 1089109010861088108610851072 1051109110851099 (2011), og spilte Spock igjen i to nye Star Trek filmer, 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (2009) og 10571090107210881090108810771082: 104210861079108410771079107610801077 (2013). Leonard Nimoy døde 27. februar 2015 i Bel Air, Los Angeles, California, av sluttstadiet kronisk obstruktiv lungesykdom. Han var 83. Ektefelle (2) (21 februar 1954 - 1987) (skilt) (2 barn) Varemerker (2) Deep baritone voice Trivia (73) Hadde en dyrebutikk i Canoga Park, California i løpet av 1960-tallet. Faren hans hadde en frisørsalong i Boston, hvor en av de mest populære frisyrene var Spock kuttet. Mottatt sin mastergrad i utdanning fra Antioch University i Yellow Springs, Ohio (1977). Han mottok senere en æresdoktorgrad fra universitetet i høsten 2000. Deltok og uteksaminert fra Boston University i Boston, Massachusetts (1953). Han mottok senere en æresdoktorgrad av humane brev fra universitetet i mai 2012. Angitt ved en konvensjon i 1993 i Toronto, Ontario, Canada som han har uttraktet sin signatur, og kan bare signere firmaet han har kontrakt med autorisert, og Derfor signerer ikke til fans, ellers kunne han bli saksøkt for kontraktsbrudd. Vulcan nerve pinch konseptet på 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966) ble oppfunnet av Nimoy da han og seriens forfattere prøvde å finne ut hvordan en ubevæpnet Spock kunne overvinne en motstander uten å gripe til vold. Da Richard Widmark dro, ble Nimoy fredag ​​kveld vert for The Mutual Radio Theatre på Mutual Radio (1980). Servert i United States Army, under servicenummeret ER-11-229-770, fra 3. desember 1953 - 23. november 1955. Mottatt en ærverdig utslipp med rangen av Staff Sergeant (SSG). Hit 121 på Billboard Singles Chart i 1967 med Visit to a Sad Planet (Dot 17038). Lent sin berømte stemme til introduksjonen på Mugar Omni Theater (The Museum of Science, Boston). Var en dyktig fotograf (som spesialiserer seg i svart og hvitt bilder) og hadde gitt utstillinger av hans verk. Ble henvendt til å henvise til 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 7: 105510861082108610831077108510801103 (1994), samt vises som Spock i filmen. Han nektet fordi Spocks rolle i filmen ville vært en cameo. Nimoy uttalte at han ikke ville spille Spock, eller regissere noen Star Trek-film der Spock ikke var en integrert del av plottet. Spocks karakter ble derfor redigert fra skriptet. Tegnet som Spock gjør med hånden er halvparten av det som vanligvis gjøres av Cohanim, de jødiske prester, når de velsigner menigheten. Var en ivrig forfatter av poesi og hadde skrevet mange bøker. På grunn av deres lignende dype stemmer, ble dette ryktet for mange år at Nimoy faktisk registrerte mesteparten av Orson Welles-dialogen som Unicron i 105810881072108510891092108610881084107710881099 (1986). Welles døde før filmen släppte, men stemme skuespiller Susan Blu har gått på rekord sier at Welles registrert alle hans linjer før hans død. Da Mark Lenard og Jane Wyatt ble kastet som foreldrene sine på 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966) spurte de ham om han hadde noe råd om vulkanens karakterer og kultur, da han var seriens største vulkanske karakter. Han svarte at han følte at Vulcans var veldig mye en håndorientert, og så kom Lenard og Wyatt opp med en håndbevis der de rørte på og holdt fingrene sammen for å indikere en følelse av intimitet. Lider av tinnitus (ringe i ørene), sammen med 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966) co-star William Shatner. Nimoys høyre øre og Shatners venstre øre ble påvirket. Deres hørsel var tilsynelatende skadet under filmen av episoden 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100: Arena (1967), da de begge var nær en eksplosjon med eksplosjoner. Født i Boston, Massachusetts til ukrainske jødiske innvandrere. Ofte kallenavnet den andre Dr. Spock for sin grad i biologi og fotografi. Som en ikke-oppdragsgiver i den amerikanske hæren hadde Nimoy ansvaret for en platon som inkluderte en Ken Berry. Berry sa senere i et intervju at han betrodde Nimoy sine ambisjoner om å være danser og utøver, og Nimoy oppfordret ham til å gå til California på slutten av hans opptreden. Far til Adam Nimoy og Julie Nimoy. Hadde en trinnvis: Aaron Bay Schuck. Fikk hans berømte rolle Spock på 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966) delvis fordi diskusjoner mellom forfattere og produsenter av serien om karakteren til Spock førte dem til å sette ut ordet at de lette etter en høy, tynn fyr for å spille rollen som et fremmed mannskap. Casting regissør Joseph DAgosta husket Nimoy fra sitt arbeid i en tidligere verdenskrigs serie, Løitnanten (1963) og ringte ham om denne rollen. Og så ble han født sin mest kjente rolle og begynte som et populært kulturikon. I bøker gjennom årene, er det unpronouncable fullnavnet til hans Star Trek karakter Schn-T Gaii Spock, sønn av Schn-T Gaii Sarek (av Skon og Solkar) i Vulcan. Sammen med Majel Barrett. Han er en av kun to skuespillere som har dukket opp på Star Trek i hvert tiår fra 1960-tallet til 2000-tallet. Spoken hebraisk og jiddisk flytende. Ifølge William Shatners memoir of Nimoy, var Leonard senere i sitt liv bekymret for å miste sin flyt på jiddisk på grunn av mangel på praksis. Så Nimoy fant en jiddisk talende psykiater og gjorde en vanlig avtale med henne, så han kunne tilbringe en time hver uke og snakket språket. Under et intervju med Al Roker på 1057107710751086107610851103 (1952), for å fremme 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (2009) ble det avslørt at nyhetsankeren Ann Curry hadde en stor forelskelse på ham. De viste flere klipp av henne som sier at hun var forelsket i Spock. Roker kalt henne da på scenen. Hun kom på scenen, og straks hugget og kysset Leonard Nimoy. og fortalte ham hvor flott hun tror han er. Leonard var veldig smigret og fortalte henne at hun hadde god smak. Etter suksessen til (tidligere Star Trek castmate) Walter Koenig s Raver tegneserier, solgte han utgaver av hans Primortals tegneserier (1996). Mottok en stjerne på Hollywood Walk of Fame på 6651 Hollywood Boulevard i Hollywood, California 16. januar 1985. Var en vegetarianer. Hadde en bror: Melvin Nimoy, fem år eldre. Andre fetter, en gang fjernet, av Jeff Nimoy. Den 21. april 2010 trakk han seg fra å handle etter 60 år i filmbransjen. I 2011 annonserte han sin beslutning om å trekke seg fra å handle og slutte å opptre på konvensjoner, og uttrykte sitt ønske om privatliv med sin familie. Forvaltet en nettbutikk med barnebarn hans kalt shopllap. Kunngjort at han lider av kronisk obstruksjons lungesykdom, en måned etter at han ble sett på rullestol i New York. Februar 2014 I mange intervjuer siden begynnelsen av 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966), har Leonard Nimoy fortalt opprinnelsen til vulkanhilsen, som han introduserte i serien. I et slikt intervju (med The A. V. Club i juli 2010) forklarte han: Bevegelsen som jeg introduserte i Star Trek, den splittede vulkanske saluten, bringer det godt. som kom fra en opplevelse - jeg går helt tilbake til barndommen min igjen - da jeg var rundt 8 år, satt i synagogen på høytidsferier med familien min. Det kommer et øyeblikk i seremonien når menigheten er velsignet av en gruppe herrer kjent som Kohanim, medlemmer av Hebraernes prestedestamme. Og velsignelsen er en som vi ser i det gamle og det nye testamente: Må Herren velsigne deg og holde deg, Herren, få hans ansikt å skinne over deg og så videre. Når de gir denne velsignelsen, fortalte du ikke å se at Youre skulle avverge øynene dine. Jeg kikket, og jeg så disse gutta med hendene strukket ut - det var fem eller seks av dem, alle med hendene strakte seg ut mot menigheten - i den gesten, den splitte fingeren. Noen gang senere lærte jeg at formen som hånden skaper, er et brev i det hebraiske alfabetet, brevbrevet, som er det første bokstaven i ordet Shaddai, som er navnet på den Allmektige. Så forslaget er at de bruker et symbol på Guds navn med hendene som de velsigner menigheten. Bestemor til Madeleine Nimoy og Jonah Nimoy. Best kjent av publikum (og av mange sci-fi-fans) for sin hovedrolle som Mr. Spock på den opprinnelige serien 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966). Nimoy var den eneste skuespilleren som hadde portrettert den samme karakteren i to separate amerikanske medier (tv, deretter film) lenger enn noen andre. Fra 1966 til 2013 (47 år) var han Mr. Spock. Var er nøkkelen her, da Spock endelig ble drept av. Også karakter er i sitat fordi Jack Benny og Three Stooges var på fra radio dager til filmer, så fjernsyn, men de spilte sine roller ved hjelp av deres virkelige navn. Noen såpeopera stjerner har også slått dette i USA, Storbritannia og Australia, men er bare et tegn på fjernsyn utelukkende. Det er også oppmerksom på at Spock er et verdensomspennende kjent tegn. Den 19. februar 2015 ble han rushed til UCLA Medical Center for alvorlige brystsmerter etter en 911 samtale og har vært inn og ut av sykehus de siste månedene. Hans endelige Tweet, postet fire dager før hans død, var Et liv er som en hage. Perfekte øyeblikk kan bli hatt, men ikke bevart, bortsett fra i minnet. LLAP (Live Long og Prosper). Leonard Nimoy gikk bort den 27. februar 2015, en måned unna det som hadde vært hans 84 årsdag 26. mars. På tidspunktet for hans død hadde hans Twitter-konto 1,1 millioner tilhengere. Han fulgte Twitter-kontoer av: Spencer Schwartz, Walter Koenig, Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart, Greg Grunberg, Ian McKellen, Dana Delaney, Michael Powell, Gerard Way, Simon Pegg, George Takei, Bruno Mars, Aaron Bay-Schuck, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, TrekMovie, Ben Stiller, Barack Obama, Futuristics, Hammer Museum og Zachary Quinto. Etter hans død ble han innblandet på Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery i Culver City, California. En asteroide oppdaget 2. september 1988 har blitt omdøpt 4864 Nimoy til sin ære. Bildet som karakter Commander Spock på et av et sett med fem kanadiske gratulerer frimerker som feirer 50-årsdagen av tv-serien 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966), utstedt 5. mai 2016. Prisen på utstedelsesdagen var 85. Andre frimerker i settet æret William Shatner. James Doohan. DeForest Kelley og John Colicos. Han var allment kjent for å være en veldig privat mann. Personlige sitater (45) på å jobbe med William Shatner på den opprinnelige 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966) serien Bill var veldig lidenskapelig om arbeidet. Dessverre var Bill lidenskapelig om alt. Spock er definitivt en av mine beste venner. Når jeg legger på ørene, er det ikke som bare en annen dag. Når jeg blir Spock, blir den dagen noe spesielt. Ved å bli bedt om å utføre den foreslåtte oppfølgingsserien 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100: 105710831077107610911102109710771077 108710861082108610831077108510801077 (1987) Jeg takket ham og ønsket ham godt med prosjektet, men forklarte det bare ikke kunne fungere. Jeg følte den opprinnelige 10471074107710791076108510991081 1087109110901100 (1966) suksess skyldtes mange faktorer: temaene, tegnene, kjemi mellom skuespillerne, timingen (fremtidens omfavnende 1960-tallet). Det var ganske enkelt ingen måte, jeg fortalte ham at noen kunne duplisere alle disse tingene og bli vellykket med et andre Star Trek-show. Og så valgte jeg ut. Mens argumentet mitt var helt rasjonelt på den tiden, var egoet mitt sikkert involvert. Da jeg sa til Frank Mancuso og de sammenstillede execs, Hvordan kan du håpe å fange lynet i en flaske igjen, en del av meg sa virkelig: Hvordan kan du noensinne håpe å gjøre det uten oss. Du vet, kråken er ikke så ille. Det smaker som kylling. Mine folk kom til USA som innvandrere, romvesener, og ble borgere. Jeg ble født i Boston, en borger, dro til Hollywood og ble fremmed. på Spocks død jeg trodde alt ble styrt i utmerket smak. Jeg føler meg stolt. Da det først ble foreslått at Spock ville dø, var jeg tøvende. Det virket utnyttende. Men nå som jeg har sett hvordan det ble oppnådd, tror jeg det var en veldig god idé. Logikk er begynnelsen på visdom, ikke enden. Det er utforskningen som venter på deg. Ikke kartlegger stjerner og studerer nebula, men kartlegger de ukjente mulighetene for eksistens. Miraklet er dette: jo mer deler vi jo mer vi har. Jeg tenker på meg selv som en ocean liner som har gått i full fart i lang avstand, og kapteinen trekker gasspaken helt tilbake for å stoppe, men skipet stopper ikke umiddelbart, gjør det. Det har sin egen fart og det fortsetter går, og jeg er veldig smigret at folk fortsatt finner meg nyttig. Jeg tror det er mitt eventyr, min tur, min reise, og jeg antar at min holdning er, la sjetongene falle der de kan. Det er sannsynligvis grunnen til at jeg jobber utelukkende i svart og hvitt. å markere den kontrasten. Men hvis du snakker om kunstarbeid, så tror jeg at du må stille deg noen ganske dype spørsmål om hvorfor det er du vil ta bilder og hva det er du vil si. Andre ganger, du gjør litt arbeid og plutselig får du tilbakemelding som forteller deg at du har rørt noe som er veldig levende i kosmos. Min kone og jeg er tilknyttet et tempel her i Los Angeles. Vi føler oss veldig nær menigheten og til rabbinen, som skjer for å være min kone og jeg beundrer meg sterkt. Jeg snakker med ham regelmessig, men jeg anser meg selv mer åndelig enn religiøs. Jeg flyttet ikke inn i å utvikle eller behandle farge. Jeg bodde med svart og hvitt. Jeg tror fortsatt til denne dagen at jeg foretrekker å jobbe i svart og hvitt hvis det har å gjøre med poesi eller noe annet enn en bestemt realitet. Jeg har jobbet i fargen da jeg trodde det var riktig måte å uttrykke tanken på at jeg jobbet på. En nabolag venn viste meg hvordan det var mulig å gå til en kiosk og plukke opp kjemikalier for pennies. bokstavelig. og utvikle din egen film og lage utskrifter. Du vet at jeg lenge har vært av den oppfatning at kunstnere ikke nødvendigvis vet hva de gjør. Du vet ikke nødvendigvis hva slags universelt konsept du slår inn. Behovene til de mange oppveier de få. Jeg er tiltrukket av bilder som kommer fra en personlig undersøkelse av et emne. Når de har et personlig stempel til dem, så tror jeg det blir identifiserbart. Det er sant, fordi jeg er en fotograf nå. I en periode tok jeg kameraer med meg hvor som helst jeg gikk, og da skjønte jeg at interessen for fotografering var i retning av det konseptuelle. Så jeg var ikke bære rundt kameraer skyting ting, jeg utviklet konsepter om hva jeg ønsket å skyte. Og så får jeg kameraet vinkel og gjør jobben. Mitt drømmekonsept er at jeg har et kamera, og jeg prøver å fotografere hva som egentlig er usynlig. Og hver gang jeg får et glimt av henne, og jeg tar det bildet. Jeg ble hekta på ideen om å kunne skyte et bilde og behandle det selv, og ende opp med et produkt. Hva jeg undersøker akkurat nå er gjenstand for min egen dødelighet. Det er et område som jeg er nysgjerrig på, og jeg undersøker det for å se om det er et fotografisk essay i det for meg. Hvis bilder ikke begynner å komme, går jeg til noe annet. Noen ord som har å gjøre med folks død i World Trade Center-angrepet, ble lagt til, og da jeg kom til det, hadde jeg denne overveldende følelsesmessige opplevelsen. Jeg kjempet for å komme gjennom ordene som tårene strømmet ned på kinnene mine. Jeg er berørt av ideen om at når vi gjør ting som er nyttige og hjelpsomme - samler disse spirituelle åndene - at vi kan bidra til å få helbredelse. Du går fra en falsk antagelse: Jeg har ikke et ego å blåse. Boston var en flott by å vokse opp i, og det er nok fortsatt. Vi var omgitt av to svært viktige elementer: akademia og kunst. Jeg var omgitt av teater, musikk, dans, museer. Og jeg lærte å seile på Charles River. Så jeg hadde en flott barndom i Boston. Det var fantastisk. Denne gangen har det vært mye interessant diskusjon om emnet, og Ive hadde det bra å snakke om det. Og i noen tilfeller, jeg bare ikke signerer bøker Im viser lysbilder og snakker om arbeidet. For mange år siden - på 70-tallet, i omtrent et tiår - bar jeg et kamera hvert sted jeg dro. Og jeg skutt mange bilder som fortsatt var liv og landskap, ved hjelp av tilgjengelig lys. Mitt minne om disse stedene er bedre enn bildene mine. Det er derfor jeg får mye mer tilfredshet uten å skape tematisk arbeid som har å gjøre med en ide som jeg søker etter, eller søker å uttrykke. Jeg ble involvert i fotografering da jeg var omtrent tretten år gammel. Jeg gjør også min egen behandling, så det betyr en stor forpliktelse i laboratorietid. Bokturen har vært veldig interessant og veldig gledelig. Jeg har ikke bookt turnert før. Ive har aldri hatt så mye glede, så mye tilfredshet. Jeg ble enamored med fotografering da jeg var 13 eller 14 år gammel. Jeg har vært på det helt siden. Jeg studerte seriøst på 70-tallet. De fleste av bildene mine har blitt gjort i studio under meget kontrollerte lysforhold. Det har vært noen som har blitt skutt i naturen, men selv da ble de skutt nesten utelukkende om natten, og igjen, under kontrollerte lysforhold. Jeg begynte å jobbe med et familiekamera. Det ble kalt en Kodak Autographic, som var en av de tingene hvor du floppet den åpen og trakk bælgen ut. Og jeg har vært på det helt siden jeg aldri har stoppet. Jeg er ikke en utstyrsmutter. Jeg pleier å bruke whatevers til hånden. Jeg har selvfølgelig flere kameraer, men jeg er ikke emosjonell om noen av dem. Jeg behandler dette åndelige problemet hver dag - enten å skyte eller behandle eller sortere eller diskutere eller ha samtaler - Jeg er i konstant kontakt med det. For meg handler det om personlig visjon noe om et emne som unikt snakker til meg. Jeg bruker en datamaskin. Jeg vet ikke om det kvalifiserer meg som en tekniker, men jeg er ganske god på datamaskinen. Jeg har jobbet med fotografering i mange år. Det er det vanskeligste problemet for meg. å finne et emne som holder min interesse lenge nok til at jeg er klar til å gå på jobb og bruke tid og energi til å skyte emnet. Jeg bor absolutt ikke i et kosherhjem selv om jeg ble reist i kosher-miljø. Jeg har en mastergrad i fotografi som en kunst, og jeg vil ringe arbeidet mitt hovedsakelig konseptuelt. Jeg bærer ikke kameraer med meg hvor jeg går. Jeg får en ide om et emne jeg vil håndtere, og jeg trekker ut kameraene mine. Lønn (2) Utgiver: EA Platform: Xbox One Sjangre: First Person Shooter Utgivelsesdato: 11172015 Stasjonstype: Blu-ray Se alle detaljer Den uhyggelige tråden av en AT-AT stamper ned. Rebelstyrker skyter blaster. Imperial speeder sykler zipping av. Intense dogfights mellom skvadroner av X-vinger og TIE fighters fylle himmelen. Fordyp deg i de episke Star Wars-kamper du har alltid drømt om og skape nye heltemodige øyeblikk av deg selv i Star Wars Battlefront. Å føle det ondskapsfulle tynet av en AT-AT stomping ned på den frosne tundraen av Hoth. Rebelstyrker skyter blaster som Imperial speeder sykler zip gjennom de frodige skogene til Endor. Intense dogfights mellom skvadroner av X-vinger og TIE fighters fylle himmelen. Fordyp deg i de episke Star Wars-kamper du har alltid drømt om og skape nye heltemodige øyeblikk av deg selv i Star Wars Battlefront. Kjemp for opprør eller imperium i et bredt spekter av multiplayer-kamper for opptil 40 spillere, eller i spennende utfordringer inspirert av filmene som er tilgjengelige solo, delt skjerm eller gjennom online co-op. Star Wars Battlefront kombinerer denne episke actionen på galaktisk skala med imponerende visuelle rekreasjoner av noen av de mest ikoniske planetene, våpnene, tegnene og kjøretøyene i Star Wars-universet og de originale lydeffekter fra filmene, for å gi Star Wars-fansen den ultimate , autentisk og nedsenkende interaktiv opplevelse de har vært ute etter. Produktfunksjoner Den mest immersive og fotorealistiske interaktive underholdningsopplevelsen Besøk klassiske planeter fra den originale Star Wars-trilogien, detaljert med en enestående mengde realisme og ekthetsfølelse som vil transportere deg til en galakse langt, langt unna. Opplev fantastiske digitale repliker av den opprinnelige stjernen Wars-filmmodeller, brakt til livlig troskap av DICEs bruk av photogrammetry-teknologi Jordbasert bekjempelse på en galaktisk skala Delta i episke kamper på ikoniske planeter, inkludert Hoth, Endor og Tatooine. Også, ta kampen til den tidligere uutforskede planeten, Sullust. Pilot et mangfoldig sett med bakkenbaserte kjøretøy, inkludert skumlekkere, massive AT-AT'er og mer. Mester Battlefront med ikoniske stjernekrigskarakterer Spill som noen av de mest minneverdige tegnene i Star Wars-universet, inkludert Darth Vader og Boba Fett Encounter a rekke elskede figurer fra den originale trilogien som C-3PO og R2-D2 Ta til skiene i Epic Star Wars Dog Fights Pilot Millennium Falcon, X-Wings, TIE-fighters og flere av dine favorittbiler i spennende luftkamp Made for Jedi og Padawans Alike Battle sammen med vennene dine på nettet eller i frakoblet skjermbildet Sammendrag-modus Sømløst mellom 1. person og 3.persons visninger STAR WARS TM 2015 Lucasfilm Ltd. Alle rettigheter reservert. Game code og bestemt audio andor visuelt materiale 2015 Electronic Arts Inc. Overrasket, DICE utrydde seg Skrevet av: xBuTcHeRx fra: Los Angeles, CA på jeg hace EA Access på Xbox One så jeg har spilt hele spillet siden forrige uke, må jeg si Jeg var skeptisk til spillet, jeg likte beta mye, jeg spilte de mange spilltypene som Vame tilbyr. Som alle er morsomme og givende, enten du spiller med deg selv eller med venner. Massevis av våpen å velge mellom, tonnevis av følelser og tilpasning for dine tegn. Deres er mye å bli tilbudt ut av boksen med vakre kart og effekter. Alternativet til å spille tredje eller første person på fluen er et stort pluss for mange spillere. Dette er definitivt et spill å eie. Hvis en Star Wars-fan eller ikke. Dette spillet er bare morsomt 3 av 3 fant denne anmeldelsen nyttig. Fem stjerner fra en ikke dø hard fan Skrevet av: Shawn fra: Reno, NV på jeg måtte si, EA fikk det riktig på dette spillet. Jeg har spilt spillet i nesten ti timer nå og har fortsatt kløen til å spille det mer. Her er en liste over de tingene som fikk meg til å gi disse fem stjernene. - Graphics og verdener ser utrolig ut - gir en ekte, autentisk Star Wars-følelse. - Game moduser-Battle Front har et veldig godt utvalg av moduser å spille. Alle som er morsomme å leke alene eller med noen venner. - Lad ut - Systemet de har brukt med kort som du tar i hånd for hvert slag, er en fin ide og fungerer veldig bra her. Når du rangerer opp og får flere poeng, kan du kjøpe bedre ting for å hjelpe deg på kampfeltet. Også noen som gir deg korte bonuser å bruke på bestemte øyeblikk for å få gode dreper eller ta ned et kjøretøy. - Customization and emotes-Du har mange muligheter til å endre hodet på spilleren din, og høyere rangeringer inkluderer noen forskjellige kroppstykker og fremmedhoder. De ga en god mengde emots du kan bruke akkurat som i Destiny, de er morsomme til tider, men virkelig meningsløse. - Vehicles-Det er en ganske god mengde bilalternativer som er i filmen. Flying ble gjort veldig bra og er en eksplosjon for å komme inn i hundekampene. - Heros-Å bli med som Skywalker eller Vader og mer gjør øyeblikket veldig spennende. Du føler deg som en dårlig mann når du kommer på en sint drapestripe som tar ned fiender. Beste øyeblikk jeg har hatt løper inn i Vader mens jeg var Skywalker, tror de fleste spillerne likte å bare se på det også. Bare con i dette spillet for meg er Heavy Blasters. Synes spillere har grepet på den enkleste pistolen å bruke og bli enkelt drept med. Hvert spill har et OP-våpen, men bare altfor mange som bruker det. Igjen dette spillet jeg vil si er fantastisk. Jeg er ikke en døende Star Wars-fan og dette spillet har meg tilkoblet. Min Halo og COD har tatt plass i en god stund mens jeg fortsetter å spille dette spillet. Jeg vil fortelle enhver gamer som leter etter noe å synke sine poter inn for å få dette spillet. Legge til dette slik at ingen tror jeg er med EA eller betalt anmeldelse eller noe dumt slik. Jeg vurderte også EAs NFS-spill og ga det to start, sjekk det ut, vær så snill. Hvis jeg var med EA eller noe jeg ikke ville ha gitt et annet EA-spill en dårlig anmeldelse. Denne anmeldelsen er min personlige mening, og jeg tror det er et femstjerners spill basert på min interesse og erfaring. Akkurat som noen mennesker ga NSF et femstjerners og jeg ga det 2. Dens alle meninger, ikke la noen omtale bestemme seg for å kjøpe et spill, du vet ikke før du prøver det hvis det er noe du egentlig vil eller ikke. 6 av 8 fant denne anmeldelsen nyttig. Super Fun, men Super Thin Skrevet av: Sean fra: på Best crafted Starwar spillet til dags dato. Setter deg virkelig inn i universet, men vil bli kjedelig fort siden det ikke er mange moduser og kart som er verdt å spille om og om igjen. 3 av 3 fant denne anmeldelsen nyttig. Ikke nok innhold for pris. Skrevet av: Greybush fra: Fresno, ca på Graphics. Rått. Innhold. Ikke fantastisk. Bare multiplayer, med mindre du teller kampanje modus som ikke har noen historie og er fryktelig kjedelig. Selges på ebay 5 dager etter innkjøp. 2 av 2 fant denne anmeldelsen nyttig. Gamle kampfront er langt bedre. Skrevet av: yourstupidness fra: on Dette er et spill av et spill i forhold til de to foregående kampfrontspillene. Dice bare laget stjerne kriger slagmarken. Det er ikke engang samme spill lenger. Det er knapt noen nivåer eller tegn. Bare episode 4-6 også som er et stort sett tilbake. Ingen episode 1-3 og nr 7 som oss hva vi alle forventet. De legger bare spillet ut i tide for at filmen skal tjene penger. Nå skal de slippe flere nivåer på nettet i 60 flere. De burde ha vært i spillet for å begynne med Billige lat spilldesign hvis du spør meg. De ødela dette spillet etter min mening. 2 av 2 fant denne anmeldelsen nyttig. Star wars Skrevet av: NYBorn fra: på min favoritt av dem alle. langt bedre verdt ventetiden. Jeg vil definitivt anbefale dette spillet 2 av 2 fant denne anmeldelsen nyttig. Ikke verdt det. Skrevet av: Dallas2 fra: på Selv med 10 års forhånd i grafikk, er de gamle spillene morsomme. Beklager dette kjøpet. 2 av 2 fant denne anmeldelsen nyttig. Bra, men et halvt spill Skrevet av: mja271 fra: på Mens nydelig og en fantastisk representasjon av Star Wars-universet, gjør mangelen på moduser i dette spillet hyllevilkårene tvilsomme. For halv pris ville dette være fantastisk verdi, men på 60 theres bare ikke nok her. 2 av 2 fant denne anmeldelsen nyttig. Ikke anbefalt Skrevet av: MNWinger fra: på Dette var et kjøp på et innfall. Den forrige versjonen, for et annet system, var mine sønner favoritt, men dette er ikke så morsomt. 2 av 2 fant denne anmeldelsen nyttig. ikke det jeg forventet Skrevet av: smiley fra: på Ganske svakt spill bør forventes, antar jeg. Min sønn sluttet å spille det ganske raskt, lagre pengene dine med et annet spill. 3 av 4 fant denne anmeldelsen helpful. Affiliation (e) Den tilhørende du søker, er ikke bak deg. Det er foran. 8213Maz Kanata 91src93 Rey var en menneskelig kvinneforsker som oppdaget hennes latente Force-følsomhet mens han var på jakt etter å finne den legendariske Jedi Master Luke Skywalker og gi et nytt håp til en galakse på randen av en annen krig. En Force prodigy, Rey vokste opp i avfallet i ørkenen planet Jakku. hvor hun ble etterlatt av familien av grunner ukjente for henne. Hun tilbrakte barndommen med å drømme om dagen familien hennes ville komme tilbake til henne, samtidig som hun hylte sine ferdigheter som en scavenger og fikk et rykte som en kriger og scavenger i søppelfeltene til Niima Outpost. Hun ble en talentfull scavenger i planetene Starship Cemetery og fikk ferdigheter som lingvist og pilot. som alle var nødvendige for å overleve på bakvannplaneten. Til tross for Jakku's harde virkelighet, var Rey optimistisk for hennes families retur og medfølelse mot andre. Reys liv forandret seg for alltid da hun opplevde BB-8. en motstandstrømmen droid som bar informasjon om Luke Skywalkers oppholdssted, og en stormtrooper ved navn Finn som avviste fra første orden. De ble jaktet av førsteordensstyrker og rømt fra Jakku ombord på Millennium Falcon. som snart ble gjenopprettet av to av sine tidligere eiere, Han Solo og Chewbacca. Solo brakte dem til Takodana for å møte piraten Maz Kanata. hvor Rey oppdaget lightsaberen som en gang tilhørte Skywalker og hans far. Hun avviste imidlertid ideen om at lightaberen ringer til henne. Under en førsteordre overgrep på Kanatas slott. Rey ble tatt i fangenskap av den mørke Force-brukeren Kylo Ren. hvem visste at hun hadde sett kartet som BB-8 bar. På Starkiller Base. en førsteordens superweapon. Rey nektet å gi opp informasjonen og monterte et fluktforsøk. Hun møtte Finn, Solo og Chewbacca etter at de hadde kommet for å ødelegge våpenet og redde henne. After the weapon was damaged and Solo killed by Ren, who was actually his son Ben Solo, Rey and Finn escaped into the forest to find the Millennium Falcon . Ren confronted them and, after Finn was injured, Rey fought Ren in a lightsaber duel and bested him. She and the others escaped to the Resistance base. where they learned Skywalkers location. Rey ventured to the planet Ahch-To. found the legendary Jedi Master, and presented him with his fathers lightsaber. Early life on Jakku The scavenger No Come back 8213Rey screams for her family to return, as seen in a vision she would have later in life 91src93 Rey, as seen in a vision she had later in life, was left to survive on her own on Jakku. Rey was born in 15 ABY. eleven years after the Battle of Endor. 2 At a young age her family left her on Jakku. a desert planet in the Western Reaches. for reasons unknown to her. She believed it was a mistake and that they would one day return to bring her home. Throughout her life on Jakku, she would sometimes see off-worlders in Niima Outpost. the chief trade outpost on the planet, who she thought might have arrived on Jakku accidentally, unaware of the harsh realities of the desert world. Rey wondered if she was left behind under similar circumstances, if her family had come to Jakku by accident and she was left behind as a result of their misfortune. 5 Whatever the reasons were, she held out hope that her family would return for her one day, though she began to realize that they would never come back. She proved unwilling to admit this to herself for a long time. 3 In order to survive on Jakku, Rey became a scavenger in the employ of Unkar Plutt. trawling through the junk fields of the Starship Graveyard which was littered with the remains of starships and other military technology 3 from the Battle of Jakku. At first, she worked for other scavengers, bringing them the loot she found in crashed New Republic and Galactic Empire vessels that were downed during the battle. She heard local stories about what happened during the battle: that it was the last stand of the once-powerful Empire during the Galactic Civil War. that the Empire locked onto Republic ships during the fighting and dragged them down to the surface together, and more. The battle had left the ships trapped in the sand in varying conditions, and finding working parts became essential in order to earn food portions, the only thing that was up for trade in Niima Outpost. The trades were made by Plutt, who traded leftover Republic and Imperial rations in exchange for whatever Rey and other scavengers were able to recover. Rey learned that parts that could be repurposed were the most important anything that could not be put into another ship was worthless to Plutt. 5 Some of the scavengers that Rey worked for were kind to her, such as Ivano Troade and Mashra. Others, whose names she refused to speak, were not kind, and even viewed her as their property. As Reys skills as a scavenger grew, she came to realize that while other scavengers needed her, she did not need them. She struck out on her own, utilizing the skills she had to scavenge and survive, but no one took her seriously at first. She was aided by Plutt himself, who told other scavengers to leave Rey alone and would send his thugs after those who did not. Rey did not want his help, and the help was not out of generosity. Rather, Rey was the best scavenger Plutt had and he wanted to continue utilizing her as a source of acquisitions. Rey gained a reputation in Niima Outpost for using her quarterstaff to defend herself, which also kept most people from bothering her8212save for the occasional new scavenger who did not know about her, or were so desperate for supplies that they did not care. 5 Growing her skills At some point in her youth, Rey made her home in a downed Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport. Hellhound Two . left over from the Battle of Jakku. When she first found it, Rey did not believe that she could live there, as the Goazon Badlands where the AT-AT was located was a barren wasteland in which nothing seemed to grow. When she inspected the walker, though, she found a small green spinebarrel flower growing out of a few millimeters of sand that had poured into the walker. Rey realized that if such a tiny flower could survive there, so could she, and that life always found a way to survive on Jakku. Rey would go on to collect flowers like that, as a reminder that beauty could be found anywhere, even on Jakku. 5 Rey made her home in the downed remains of an AT-AT from the Battle of Jakku. Once she settled into the walker, Rey salvaged working parts of the AT-AT for trade. She mostly just used one room in the walker, for a variety of reasons. She would often bring her salvages to the walker before bringing them to Plutt, as Plutt deducted portions one could receive from a salvage if they used his washing and repair stations. The walker also contained scratches she made to mark the passage of time, to remind her how far she had come and to count down the days until her family returned for her. Outside of the walker was where she would go on to keep the speeder she built for herself, which gave her a degree of independence as she made her way back and forth from the Starship Graveyard. 5 By the time Rey was ten years old, 2 she had acquired a Rebel Alliance flight helmet that once belonged to Captain Dosmit Rh of the starfighter squadron Tierfon Yellow Aces. which she found while scavenging in the Starship Graveyard. She enjoyed making up stories about Rhs adventures during the war, which was why Rey made a doll out of a flight uniform she found in a cargo container. She often enjoyed wearing the helmet and playing with the doll, pretending she was helping Rh explore the AT-AT and the sands outside. Together, their pretend adventures saw them find lost Rebels and return them to their ships. When Rey was older, she no longer played with the doll but kept it and the helmet, which she sometimes wore anyway, to remind her how far she had come on Jakku. 5 Inside the walker, Rey also had a computer display from an old BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighterbomber that she used to learn alien languages, study the schematics of Republic and Imperial starships, and run flight simulations in order to hone her skills as a pilot. Her ability to understand alien languages, including the binary language of droids. helped her when off-worlders came to Niima Outpost. Two such off-worlders were Wookiees. who regaled her with the stories of the famed Wookiee smuggler - turned-Rebel fighter Chewbacca. She learned of Chewbaccas exploits, as well as those of his friend and fellow smuggler Han Solo. Studying schematics to learn how ships worked was also an important part of her survival on Jakku. She recognized almost all of the Republic and Imperial vessels that could be found in the Graveyard, including what roles they played in combat, the types of weapons they were armed with, their models and classes, and how many crew members each one had. She learned this not just through studying schematics on her computer, but also by climbing through and exploring the ships and tinkering with their systems. This let her know what each part was, what it could do, whether it worked, and, most importantly, whether it would carry any value in Niima Outpost. 5 Growing up on Jakku meant Rey not only learned how the ships that littered its wastelands worked, but also about the dangers that lurked on Jakku itself. Rey saw firsthand the hardship it could inflict. Rumors of an Imperial base on Carbon Ridge once compelled Plutt to mount an expedition there. Knowing her skills as a mechanic, Plutt brought Rey a flyer to fix. She did so by unclogging one of its turbojets and rebuilding the other out of scrap from the front of an airspeeder. Plutt and six of his thugs used it to try to find the rumored base, but he only returned with a collection of stormtrooper armor 8212and two of his men were killed. That led other scavengers to avoid Carbon Ridge. The creatures of Jakku were also dangerous. A fellow scavenger named Teng Malar once accidentally broke open a hatch on a ship beneath a colony of steelpeckers. ferocious avian creatures with razor-sharp beaks and strong talons. Within ten minutes, Teng was ripped to shreds and Rey watched helplessly as she was unable to do anything to stop the creatures. The Graveyard itself was also a reminder of the realities of war, with bodies and skeletons littering the sands. Rey once discovered a deceased TIE fighter pilot still in the cockpit of his TIE fighter ejector seat. Rey scavenged his helmet, sidearm, and comlink before giving the pilot a proper burial. 5 Repairing the Ghtroc 690 At some point, Rey was salvaging a battle cruiser when a sandstorm forced her to retreat to the Hellhound Two . where she decided to wait out the storm by practicing on her flight simulator. The next day, after trading with Plutt for rations at the Concession Stand, she took her speeder out to the Starship Graveyard, where she decided to climb the Spike. the keel of an Imperial ship that had crashed into what would become the Crackle. From her perch, she spotted a ship that, upon closer inspection, she realized to be a reasonably intact Ghtroc 690 light freighter. 6 Deciding to look inside the ship for salvage, she discovered food, and more importantly, that the reactor core was still functioning. Realizing that the whole repaired ship was worth more to Plutt than its salvageable parts, she decided to work on it so she could sell it, discovering panels inside that she could use to hide her ship from other scavengers. As it had become dark outside, Rey opted to spend the night in the ship. 6 Repairing the ship proved difficult, as it meant using parts she could have traded for food to repair the ship instead, making her go hungry more often than usual. Her decision to not give some parts to Plutt eventually attracted the attention of the scavengers Devi and Strunk. who asked her about it. She refused to tell them anything, and they told her that they might not have been the only ones to notice Reys unusual behavior. 6 Ten days later, the duo trailed Rey and discovered what she was working on, and offered to help her repair it in exchange for passage off of Jakku with her once it was finished. After Rey explained that she was going to sell the freighter to Plutt once it was complete, Devi and Strunk brokered a deal with her: they would help her repair the ship, and they would split whatever Plutt gave them. 6 While Rey was wary of the others at first, she came to think of them as friends as they proved their trustworthiness by keeping watch over the ship at night, and helping to protect it from a group of Teedos. Together the three scavengers restored the ship to working order, and Rey was able to pilot the craft over the desert with the skills she had learned from her flight simulator program. Once the ship was complete, Rey flew it to Niima Outpost with the others. However, as soon as she stepped out of it to barter with Plutt, Devi and Strunk stole the ship and fled the planet, leaving Rey with nothing to show for her work. 6 Awakening the Force Escape from Jakku We need a pilot Weve got one 8213Finn and Rey, while escaping from Niima Outpost 91src93 Rey rescues BB-8 from Teedo. One of the vessels that Rey scavenged from was the Inflictor . an Imperial - class Star Destroyer that crashed after its commanding officer, Captain Ciena Ree. scuttled the ship to prevent it from falling into the hands of the New Republic. 7 Rey climbed throughout the massive vessel and brought parts back to Niima Outpost, where she cleaned them up and brought them to Plutt. The materials she brought him on this particular day earned her one quarter portion of food, which she brought back to her home. After eating, she heard the noises of an astromech droid and rushed to find that the source of the noise, BB-8. had been captured by a Teedo scavenger, also named Teedo. Rey rescued the tiny droid and learned that it was on a classified mission 3 8212it managed to escape the clutches of the First Order during an attack on the spiritual village of Tuanul. an attack that Rey had heard rumors of. 5 Rey repaired BB-8s antenna, and pointed the droids towards Niima Outpost. After some convincing by BB-8, Rey allowed the droid to return home with her for one night, before it went on its way the next morning. 3 Rey and BB-8 ventured into Niima Outpost the next morning, where she handed more salvage material over to Plutt. He offered her one half portion for everything, a collection that Rey reminded him was worth one half portion for each item only a week before. Though Plutt was unmoved, he did offer to give her sixty portions for BB-8. Rey was almost quick to take the offer, but she soon told Plutt that BB-8 was not for sale. Undeterred, Plutt sent his thugs after Rey to try to take the droid by force8212this proved to be useless, however, as Rey made short work of her would be attackers. During the fight, BB-8 caught a glimpse of Finn. a stormtrooper who defected from the First Order, wearing the jacket that belonged to BB-8s master, Poe Dameron. BB-8 alerted Rey and a brief chase ensued. Rey managed to catch the young man, and accused him of thievery. Finn explained that the jacket belonged to Poe Dameron and that he was the one who helped the Resistance fighter escape from the Finalizer . an escape that cost Poe his life. He also explained that he too was a Resistance fighter, sent to help Poe retrieve a map that would lead to Luke Skywalker. a legendary Jedi Knight who Rey assumed was only a myth. Rey accepted Finns story that he was actually a member of the Resistance, while BB-8 lamented Finns news of Dameron. 3 Rey pilots the Millennium Falcon past First Order TIE fighters. The trio was spotted by a small group of stormtroopers who were sent to to recover the droid from Jakku. Rey and Finn attempted to flee their attackers after being fired upon by TIE fighters. Rey led Finn and BB-8 towards a shipyard attempting to commandeer a quadjumper moments before it was destroyed. With no other option, Rey led the two towards a broken down ship she described as garbage that had not flown for years, the Millennium Falcon . Rey took the pilots seat while Finn manned the gun turrets. Despite a shaky start, Rey piloted the ship out of the outpost and, on Finns suggestion, remained at a low altitude in order to confuse the scanners on the TIE fighters. She led the fighters on a chase into the Starship Graveyard, where she was able to use the downed war vessels to her advantage. One TIE fighter crashed after Finn scored a direct hit, while the other followed Rey into the bowels of a Super Star Destroyer. The Falcon suffered damage and the turret was locked into one position, so, after flying out of the Super Star Destroyer, Rey moved the freighter into position where Finn could fire a direct shot. With the last TIE fighter destroyed, Rey flew the ship off of Jakku and into open space. 3 Enlisting Han Solos help The Jedi were real I used to wonder that myself. Thought it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo8212magical power holding together good, evil, the dark side and the light. Crazy thing is, its true. The Force, the Jedi, all of it. Its all true. 8213Rey and Han Solo 91src93 With the ship in the clear, Rey and Finn left their posts and congratulated one another on their hard-fought escape. They finally introduced themselves to one another, having not learned each others name in the commotion of escaping the desert world, but their joy soon turned to more urgent matters as the propulsion system began to leak 3 when an energy flux in the hyperdrive motivator caused a fuel backup. 5 Rey started working to fix the problem, which risked flooding the ship with poisonous gas and killing them. While working on the propulsion system, Rey asked Finn for the location of the Resistance base. Unknown to her was that he and BB-8, as she worked, argued about revealing the location Finn did not actually know its location and had to convince BB-8 to share it with Rey. BB-8 ultimately revealed that the base was in the Ileenium system. so Rey told them she would drop them off before returning to Jakku. 3 Han Solo and Chewbacca discover Rey and Finn aboard the Millennium Falcon . Suddenly, the ship began to lose power and the two realized that they were caught in a tractor beam. The Falcon was pulled into the cargo bay of a large freighter 3 called the Eravana . 8 which Finn mistook as a First Order ship. The trio hid in a compartment beneath the floor and Rey planned to release the poisonous gas into the ship to kill what she assumed would be stormtroopers, but in reality it was two smugglers: the famed Han Solo and his first mate, Chewbacca. Solo found the three fugitives in the compartment and Rey revealed they were the only ones aboard, and that she was the pilot. Solo asked where they got the ship, and Rey told him that it belonged to Unkar Plutt, who stole it from the Irving Boys. who stole it from Gannis Ducain 8212who, as Solo revealed, stole it from him. It was then that he revealed himself as Han Solo. Rey and Finn realized that meant the ship was the Millennium Falcon and that Solo was the famous smuggler who fought with the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Solo inspected the ship and talked to Rey about the modifications that Plutt had made on it, including a compressor on the ignition line, which they both knew put too much stress on the hyperdrive. Rey also told him about their mission to bring BB-8 to the Resistance, a mission that caught Solos attention once he realized that the droid carried a map to his old friend Luke Skywalker. 3 The Eravana was soon boarded by the Guavian Death Gang and Kanjiklub. two criminal organizations that Solo had swindled into loaning him money so he could smuggle rathtars to King Prana. Rey and Finn hid in the corridors beneath the floors as Solo unsuccessfully tried to talk his way out of the situation, and his predicament gave Rey the idea to shut all of the doors between the Corellian smuggler and the two gangs. She accessed the wrong door controls, however, and accidentally unleashed the monstrous rathtars, which ran loose across the ship. As Rey and Finn ran from the beasts, one of them grabbed Finn and carried him away. Rey found a control panel that allowed her to close a door onto the tentacles of the monster, severing the limbs and allowing Finn to escape. They reunited with Solo at the Millennium Falcon and escaped onto the ship. With Chewbacca injured in the fight against the gangs, Rey took the co-pilots chair as Solo prepared the ship for launch. Though Rey questioned him on his ensuing plan, Solo jumped the ship into hyperspace from inside the Eravana . and they successfully escaped. Bala-Tik of the Guavian Death Gang, who had seen BB-8 and realized Rey and Finn were aboard, then had his men contact the First Order to let them know that the fugitives were aboard the Millennium Falcon . 3 Rey and Finn learn that the stories about the Jedi and the dark side were all true. Rey and Solo contended with even more damage to the ship once they were in hyperspace. There was an electrical overload and a coolant leak, so Rey suggested transferring auxiliary power to the secondary tank, which Solo had also come to the conclusion to do. Finally, Rey bypassed the compressor that Plutt had installed, solving the problem and ending their imminent danger. The group gathered in the ships common area and BB-8 showed Solo the holographic map fragment that was in the droids databanks. Solo, who pointed out that the map was not complete, explained the story of why Skywalker had disappeared in the first place. An apprentice8212Kylo Ren 8212turned against the Jedi Master and destroyed Skywalkers attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order. Afterward, Skywalker vanished. Rumors floated around about where he had gone, 3 but those closest to him correctly 9 guessed that he went off in search of the first Jedi Temple. Rey was surprised to hear that the Jedi were real, but Solo, who had once been skeptical of the existence of the Jedi himself, told her that the stories about the Jedi and the existence of the Force were all true. 3 The Force within That lightsaber was Lukes. And his fathers before him and now, it calls to you 8213Maz Kanata, to Rey 91src93 Solo, the estranged husband of Resistance General Leia Organa. did not plan to bring BB-8 to the Resistance base himself, so he set course for the planet Takodana. where he intended to enlist the help of Maz Kanata. a pirate and collector who operated a pirate castle on the planet. As the ship approached the castle, Rey was taken aback by the lush green world 3 that reminded her of the planets she saw in her dreams as a child, 5 having never known that there was so much green in the entire galaxy. When they landed, the group exited the ship, where Rey looked out at the stunning vista that stood before her. Solo handed her a blaster. knowing she would be able to defend herself with it, and asked her what her name was. With the two formally introduced, Solo said he was considering bringing on a new crew member. Impressed with Reys piloting and repair abilities, he said he would consider offering her a job as second mate aboard the Falcon . Rey was flattered by the offer, and briefly excited by the prospect, but she turned it down because she had to return to Jakku to wait for her family. 3 Solo led Rey, Finn, and BB-8 to the castle while Chewbacca stayed behind to watch over the ship. Solo explained that Kanata had run the castle for a thousand years and that she would be able to get BB-8 to the Resistance. Once inside, their arrival prompted the attention of informants for both the First Order and the Resistance, alerting the respective groups that the fugitives were on Takodana. Rey and the others met with the diminutive pirate and told her about the map to Luke Skywalker. Kanata said she would not bring the droid to the Resistance because she believed Solo should, as he had been running from the fight for too long. Rey asked what fight she was referring to, and Kanata told her it was the fight against the dark side of the Force, one that had given rise to the Sith. the Galactic Empire, and ultimately the First Order. To Reys surprise, Finn told Kanata that they could not win the fight against the First Order. Kanata sensed his fear, and Finn finally said that he could not bring the droid to the Resistance. He left to speak to two pirates, 3 Sidon Ithano and Quiggold. 2 about exchanging work for passage to the Outer Rim Territories and, when Rey confronted him, he admitted that he was a stormtrooper and not a member of the Resistance. She pleaded with him not to go, but he chose to leave the castle and head to the Outer Rim. 3 Rey sees Luke Skywalker, kneeling before a burning temple, in her vision. As Finn departed, Rey felt something drawing her towards the lower levels of the castle. She made her way down the steps with BB-8 and found a collection of ancient artifacts. One box in particular called to her, and she opened it to find a lightsaber. Upon touching it, she was immediately confronted with a vision of events she did not understand. Rey first found herself in the halls of Cloud City. where Skywalker had once fought Darth Vader before learning Vader was his father. She heard Skywalker screaming in disbelief at the revelation, as well as the words of the late Jedi Master Yoda speaking about the energies of the Force. Rey then saw Skywalker himself kneeling before a burning temple alongside his astromech droid, R2-D2. before the vision shifted to one of death: Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren killing many people. The vision then transported her to Jakku, where Rey saw herself as a young girl screaming for her family to return as they departed in a starship. Finally, she found herself in the middle of a snowy forest, where Ren ignited his lightsaber and stalked towards her. The vision came to an end, she fell to the floor, and she heard the voice of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi telling her that these were her first steps. 3 Rey was left shaken by the vision. Kanata found her scrambling away from the collection room, and Rey asked her what happened. She told the young woman that the lightsaber once belonged to Luke and Anakin Skywalker, and that it was calling out to her. Rey, overwhelmed, told Kanata that she had to return to Jakku, but the old pirate helped Rey finally admit what she knew all along: whoever left her on Jakku was never coming back. There was, however, someone who still could: Luke. Kanata tried to guide Rey towards embracing the Force and letting the light guide her, as well as to take the lightsaber. Rey rejected it, however, and said she wanted no part in this cosmic destiny. She instead fled the castle, running into the heavy woods that stood just outside of it to be alone. BB-8 followed her and Rey told the droid to go back so Solo could help, but it was too late. Rey looked up and saw First Order transports and TIE fighters soaring through the sky. 3 Capture and escape Shes just beginning to test her powers. The longer it takes to find her, the more dangerous she becomes. 8213Kylo Ren 91src93 Rey is captured by Kylo Ren. Rey and BB-8 returned to the castle, where they saw it under heavy bombardment from the First Order. She noticed stormtroopers approaching her position and fired on them, hitting two stormtroopers before running back into the forest. Rey told BB-88 to go on without her so she could fight them off, and she told the droid that she hoped to see it again. Rey continued through the woods until she heard the sound of a lightsaber coming to life. She was soon confronted by Kylo Ren, who used his lightsaber to deflect every shot that she fired at him. After several shots from the blaster, Ren used the Force to freeze Rey in place, threatening her with his lightsaber while demanding to know where the droid was. He probed her mind with the Force and realized that she had seen the map, and that he would not need the droid8212he could instead just interrogate her to find out what she had seen. Ren used the Force to render Rey unconscious and carried her to his command shuttle. which he used to escape as Resistance X-wing fighters 8212which had arrived to find BB-88212fended off the TIE fighters. 3 Rey is interrogated by Kylo Ren for the map to Luke Skywalker. Rey was taken to Starkiller Base. a First Order stronghold and a superweapon. built into the icy planet, that was capable of destroying entire star systems 8212a power it unleashed when Rey was on Takodana, using it to destroy the Hosnian system and deliver a crippling blow to the New Republics government and starfleet. Rey woke up in a holding cell and found Ren inside of it. She asked him what happened to Solo and Finn, though Ren did not know8212which he suggested was a sign of relief for her, as he had not heard if they perished. Rey treated the dark warrior with scorn, saying he was a creature in a mask, and he removed his mask to reveal that he was a young human man with no disfigurements. He asked about the droid once again and Rey responded only with its technical specifications. Because she refused to reply, Ren used the Force to access her mind and her memories. He saw that she was lonely but also afraid to leave Jakku, and that she saw an island on an ocean in her dreams. He also saw that she was fond of Solo and that she felt like he was the father she never had, though Ren said that he would only leave her disappointed8212what Rey did not know was that Rens true name was Ben Solo, and that he was the son of Solo and General Organa. After more probing, Rey began to use the Force to push back and resist, keeping Ren from seeing anymore of her memories. She turned the attack around on him and saw into his mind, finding that he was afraid that he would never be as powerful as his grandfather, Darth Vader. Ren withdrew, rattled by the experience, and left the holding cell. 3 Rey performing a Jedi mind trick for the first time. Only one stormtrooper was left to guard Reys cell. Testing out her newfound Force abilities, Rey attempted to use a mind trick on the trooper in order to influence him to remove the restraints and leave the cell with the door open. The trooper was confused at first and, after her second attempt, said he would instead tighten the restraints. The third time she tried, however, Rey was successful. The trooper removed the restraints and began to leave the cell. He also dropped his weapon after Rey told him to, allowing her to leave the cell while armed with a blaster rifle. Rey made her way through the base, while Ren discovered that she was missing and ordered the First Order troops to be on high alert8212the longer Rey went undiscovered while testing her abilities, the more powerful and more dangerous she would become to the First Order. Her intention, ultimately, was to commandeer a ship and escape from the Starkiller, so she made her way towards a hangar where she found TIE fighters that she could steal. She was approached by several stormtroopers before she could get to the fighters, so she climbed down a chasm in the hangar to hide. Careful not to fall to her death, Rey opened a service hatch, climbed inside, and closed it behind her so she could make her way back through the base. 3 Rey and Finn watch as Han Solo confronts his son. Deeper into the base, Rey found Solo, Chewbacca, and Finn8212who did not flee to the Outer Rim after all8212after they had arrived on the Starkiller in order to rescue her and to disable its shields so Resistance starfighters could destroy it. Rey embraced Finn when Chewbacca said the rescue was his idea, and she thanked him for coming back for her. With the shields already disabled as a result of Finn and Solos actions, the group left the base to return to the Millennium Falcon . but they saw that the Resistance fighters were being cut to shreds and had been unable to destroy the thermal oscillator. which stored the energy that the weapon drained from stars. The group decided to stay behind to help destroy the oscillator. Rey accessed a terminal that allowed her to open a door, giving Solo and Chewbacca the opportunity to enter the oscillator and plant charges. Rey and Finn made their way towards their companions and found themselves overlooking a bridge, where Solo8212who, along with Chewbacca, had already planted charges8212found and confronted his son. Though Solo tried to get Ren to turn back to the light, the dark warrior stabbed his father through the torso, sending the famed smuggler tumbling off the bridge to his death in the deep chasm below. Chewbacca, enraged over the loss of his friend, opened fire on Ren and set off the charges, damaging the oscillator and giving the Resistance the opening it needed to destroy the base. 3 Rey dueling Kylo Ren on Starkiller Base, a fight in which she triumphed over the dark warrior. Rey and Finn ran through the snowy forests towards the Millennium Falcon . but they were confronted by Ren who told them that they had unfinished business. Rey attempted to fire at Ren with her blaster, but the dark warrior used the Force to toss her against a tree, temporarily knocking her out. Finn, who was given Skywalkers lightsaber by Maz Kanata on Takodana, engaged Ren in a lightsaber duel. but he was bested by the Knight of Ren and left critically injured. Ren, who sought the lightsaber for himself, attempted to call the saber into his hands through the Force, but Rey called it into hers and ignited it. She engaged Ren in combat and spent part of the duel in retreat, defending herself against Rens advances. The two locked sabers and Ren told her he could train her in the ways of the Force. Rey, knowing what Kanata told her, drew upon the powers of the Force and moved onto the offensive, delivering several blows against Ren until she finally disarmed him and slashed him across the face. A deep chasm formed between them, born out of the imminent destruction of the planet after the Resistance destroyed the oscillator, so Rey left Ren behind and returned to the injured Finn. Chewbacca soon arrived aboard the Falcon and carried Finn aboard, as Rey followed behind. The ship took off as the ground crumbled beneath it, and the Falcon and the Resistance fighters retreated from Starkiller Base as the planet imploded and became a star from all of the thermal energy the weapon had collected. 3 The last Jedi Rey. May the Force be with you. 8213Leia Organa 91src93 The Millennium Falcon returned to the Resistance base on the planet DQar. where Finn was treated for his wounds. The Resistance forces celebrated their victory over the First Order, though Rey was left with a feeling of sadness. She was greeted at the base by General Organa, and the two embraced in a long hug. The events that had unfolded awakened R2-D2, who had been in low power mode ever since Skywalker disappeared, and the droid combined the information contained within his databanks with the map that BB-8 carried to show a completed map to where Skywalker had gone. 3 The Resistance broke out into celebration over the news that the last Jedi could be found, and Rey finally met Dameron after hearing about him from BB-8. 10 Rey hands Skywalker his old lightsaber. Rey kept Skywalkers lightsaber with her and prepared to depart from DQar for Skywalkers world with Chewbacca and Artoo. She said goodbye to the unconscious Finn, kissing him on the forehead and stating that they would see each other again some day. 3 Outside of the Falcon . General Organa told her that she was proud of what Rey was about to do. Rey felt her fear, however, as Rey knew that Organa blamed herself for sending her son away to be with her brother only for Ben Solo to turn to the dark side. Organa was confident, however, that Rey would not share the same fate as her son. 10 Rey boarded the Millennium Falcon . took the pilots seat, and set a course for Ahch-To. the world where Skywalker made his exile. After landing on one of the planets small islands, Rey ventured throughout the islands ancient ruins and found the old Jedi Master in seclusion. 3 Skywalker, clearly haunted by the past, said nothing as Rey handed him his fathers lightsaber, a symbol of the only hope the galaxy had left 10 8212the return of the Jedi. 3 Personality and traits Actually, the droids not for sale. 8213Rey refuses to sell BB-8 91src93 Rey was a human female who stood at 1.7 meters in height. She had brown hair. hazel eyes. and light skin 4 that adapted to the extreme ultraviolet radiation emanated by the sun that shone down on the desert world of Jakku. The harsh realities of such a world could have easily made a person cynical or guarded against sympathy and weaknesses, but not Rey. Despite eking out a meager existence in the scorching heat of the Western Reaches planet, Rey possessed a heart full of generosity and a willingness to help other people in need. 2 It was this willingness that led her to not only help BB-8 be free of Teedos interference and Plutts attempts to acquire the droid, but also led her to help BB-8 in its mission to return the star map it carried to the Resistance. Though she never wanted to leave Jakku for fear that she would not be there when her family returned for her, 3 she believed in the importance of the Resistance and its fight against the First Order enough that it gave her strength to continue on BB-8s mission to find Luke Skywalker and defeat the First Order. 2 Rey wields her quarterstaff against one of Unkar Plutts thugs, successfully repelling him For years, Reys imagination took her mind to other worlds, including those with lush green forests 2 and beauty that she could never even dream of. The adventure she found while helping BB-8 and Finn brought her to one such world in the form of Takodana, 3 where she began to realize that her destiny was not in the junkfields of a remote desert planet. Her encounter with Maz Kanata profoundly impacted how she saw herself and what she was capable of, and Rey began to see that she was part of a larger galactic fight8212and that the power of the Force was with her. Her recognition of these abilities and her destiny coincided with turbulence in the Cosmic Force. which for years had remained dormant, 2 and ultimately led her to find Luke Skywalker. 3 Powers and abilities The light. Its always been there. It will guide you. 8213Maz Kanata 91src93 Rey deftly piloting the Millennium Falcon through the wreckage of a Super Star Destroyer Rey honed her skills as a scavenger in the junkfields of Jakku, a planet on which every day was a struggle to survive against harsh sunlight, searing hot deserts, and cutthroat scavengers and thieves who would steal from anyone. This bleak reality, in which she nonetheless remained ever-hopeful, saw Rey develop a tenacity and instinct for survival. Her skills as a scavenger saw her earn the respect of junk traders like Plutt, who ensured that his thugs did not steal from her8212unless her skills got in the way of his business. The need to survive against such beings, and the ability to traverse downed star cruisers and other war technology, necessitated that she remain in peak physical condition. She developed skills as a warrior, 2 with the ability to expertly wield a quarterstaff against those who would threaten her. 3 Her interactions with offworlders also allowed her to learn languages from other worlds, such as the Wookiee language of Shyriiwook and the binary language of droids. 2 She also had a certain talent for drawing, which she put to good use in her journal. 5 In her time on Jakku, Rey learned the ins-and-outs of being a mechanic, and she was gifted with a seemingly innate understanding of how machinery worked. This left her comfortable around vehicles and weapons, including the AT-AT she called home she kept the weatherproofing of the downed transport intact to protect against the climate, and she set traps around it so scavengers could not steal from her. She built her own speeder and became a skilled pilot, despite never wanting to leave Jakku. 2 These skills proved ever-useful when she piloted the Millennium Falcon away from Jakku, and she displayed an understanding of its systems and functions with a familiarity that rivaled even that of Han Solo. 3 Chewbacca also recognized these abilities, giving her the pilots seat in the Millennium Falcon after Solo died and the two set off to find Skywalker. 10 All of these skills and more were put to the test when she left Jakku with BB-8 and Finn. 2 Rey was forced to pilot the Millennium Falcon through the Starship Graveyard, in which she formed a working partnership with Finn when the former stormtrooper manned the gun turrets of the old Corellian vessel, and further helped Solo repair the Falcon when it was damaged. Her ability to understand languages not commonly found on Jakku came in handy when helping BB-8 with its mission, as well as through interactions with Chewbacca. 3 The adventure that followed her leaving Jakku led Rey to discover that she was gifted with the powers of the Force. Though she initially rejected these powers and the destiny that came with them, Reys encounter with Skywalkers lightsaber began awakening the power of the Force inside of her. She resisted Kylos attempt to probe her mind for the map to Skywalker, and even turned his attack back on him to discover his own fears of inadequacy in the shadow of Darth Vader. She employed a mind trick against a stormtrooper in order to escape from captivity, and her skills grew throughout her escape from the Starkiller. This culminated in her lightsaber duel with the injured Kylo, as she was able to repel his attacks and best him in their fierce encounter, destroying his lightsaber. She embraced these events and the abilities she was just beginning to learn when she sought out the exiled Skywalker, rekindling a spark of hope for a galaxy on the road to war. 3 Hellhound Two and the speeder Rey made her home in the downed remains of an All Terrain Armored Transport called Hellhound Two . a leftover from the Battle of Jakku. After claiming it as her own, Rey made a number of modifications to the AT-AT. She disabled the fuel tank, as it was too dangerous to keep online, and welded the main hatch shut. As an entrance and exit, she used a side hatch that Imperial stormtroopers only would have used in emergencies. In order to operate the solar panels that Rey used to power her home, she salvaged two self-charging fuel cells from the wreckage of speeder bikes in the vehicle bay. Many of the materials also proved useful for salvage E-11 blaster rifles. DLT-20A laser rifles. terrain scanners. atmosphere intakes, and more were all materials she was able to trade to Unkar Plutt. 5 While in the walker, Rey generally stayed inside the lower troop deck, though there was a speeder bike garage and upper troop deck in the walker. Despite Hellhound Two laying on its side, Rey came to think of it as right side up after getting so used to it. Inside she had a workbench for working on salvage material, her computer terminal, and a hammock that she made herself when she was a girl. 5 Being inside the walker gave her a degree of protection as well. Not only did Rey maintain the vehicles weatherproofing, thereby keeping the daytime heat and frigid nights out of the craft, but she also set up traps around the walker in order to keep scavengers out of her home. 2 Reys custom-built speeder traveled at great speeds and could haul her salvage material and gear. Although the AT-AT was her home, Reys speeder was more important for her survival. 5 Rey took great pride and joy from her speeder, a custom-built repulsorlift vehicle. It stood at 3.73 meters in height and carried no weapons, but its hauling capability, and the net used as a cargo bag on the side of the craft, allowed her to ferry items she salvaged from the Starship Graveyard to her AT-AT and Niima Outpost. 8 Despite its ability to haul cargo, its space was limited the craft valued speed over cargo capacity, so Rey often had to make return trips to carry her salvage into Niima Outpost. 2 The craft was top heavy, making it difficult for other pilots to control it, but Rey was a skilled enough pilot to manage it. 8 Its top heavy nature made her more confident that other scavengers would not steal it, as did her safety precautions: a fingerprint scanner that meant only she could power the speeders engines, and a loose wire that she used to electrify the craft when she was not using it in the event that someone tried to hotwire the speeder. 5 The speeder itself was built from supplies that Rey scavenged from the deserts. It was powered by twin turbojet engines she claimed from a downed cargo-hauler, which she mounted stacked rather than placing them side-by-side. She bolted them to powered amplifiers that she scavenged from an Imperial vessel. It was further customized with racing-swoop afterburners. a customized combustion chamber, and repulsorlifts she scavenged from crashed X-wing starfighters, amongst many other modifications she made. When carrying a limited load, the speeder was even powerful enough to accelerate to the point that it could fly like an airspeeder. Rey enjoyed using the craft to hone her piloting abilities, sometimes taking it out for flights and performing maneuvers like barrel rolls. 8 The speeders capabilities, as well as its necessity for survival, gave Rey a sense of independence. Although no one could be truly free and independent on Jakku, due to scavengers being dependent on Unkar Plutt for food, the speeder at least meant that Rey could go wherever she wanted whenever she wanted. 5 Tools and weapons You might need this. I think I can handle myself. I know you do. Thats why Im giving it to you. 8213Han Solo and Rey, as Solo gave Rey a NN-14 blaster pistol on Takodana 91src93 Being a scavenger required many types of tools and gear necessary to survive. Reys scavenger clothing was ideal for protecting herself from the heat and carrying the tools she needed to do her job. 5 She wore tight-bindings to keep out the sun and sand as well as salvaged gauze wrappings. She even wore her hair in a simple style designed specifically for survival in the desert. Her boots were made for travelers and were created out of Govath-wool. Part of her gear included goggles from stormtrooper helmet lenses 2 that Rey salvaged from a ship. Water was an essential part of a scavengers life, and many scavengers forgot that the heat was their worst enemy. Rey always carried more water with her than she needed to and carried replacement parts for all of the critical components on her speeder. Reys survival gear was crucial for traversing the Starship Graveyard, as were the many tools she carried. To be as successful a scavenger as Rey meant acquiring the best tools she could, learning how to use them, and always maintaining them. 5 She carried her tools in a mesh-windowed salvage satchel that contained her salvages and survival equipment. 2 Tools she kept in the satchel included a set of Pilex bit drivers with Wessex and Blissex heads modulators that included Mon Calamari hex-clamps and cruciform Verpine ratchets all eight standard configurations of hydrospanners. including spare power cells magnetizers and demagnetizers a carbon chisel for removing scorching on her salvages a chisel head hammer harris wrenches. including two that were powered and one that came in the standard model bonding tape a power tester microlenses for inspecting parts to see if there were breaks or cracks too small for the eye to see a sensor jammer to ensure that memory units and computers were properly decoupled, lest their data be purged after being unhooked with authorization and a datapad that contained schematics of ships from the Starship Graveyard. 5 Rey also carried a salvage kit, made from happabore leather, with brushes for cleaning the parts she acquired. 2 One of the most important items Rey carried was her quarterstaff, which she salvaged herself and wrapped with scraps of uniform. She kept the staff strapped to her person with a strap made from wool and bloggin-leather. 2 The staff was an important tool for traversing downed ships. Because it was so dark inside the unpowered vessels, it was not unheard of to be injured by jagged metal or falling through brittle hull plating. Rey used her staff to check that every step she took was stable, particularly in a ship she had never been in before. 5 She also used the quarterstaff in combat if necessary, which required her to keep a firm back arm grip in order to power any sudden swings. While using it she remained standing in a lower defensive position, and she was practiced with skilled and agile footwork. Rey also had a small knife created out of a droid arm. 2 After Rey left Jakku and arrived on Takodana, she was given an NN-14 blaster pistol from Han Solo. The pistol was small, befitting her own size. It had an armored body shell, flash-suppressing and stabilizing muzzle, and a compact grip that was suited for her small hands. Though it was small, its enlarged power core and reinforced frame meant that it was a sturdy weapon that delivered a powerful blast onto any enemies. 2 In Maz Kanatas castle, Rey also learned that Skywalkers lightsaber was destined for her, as the Force beckoned her to claim it. 3 The lightsaber was built by Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars and, after it was lost to Luke Skywalker during a duel with his father, it was salvaged from the depths of Cloud City. 2 Rey finally claimed the lightsaber during her duel with Kylo Ren, and she carried it with her to Ahch-To so she could present it to Luke Skywalker himself. 3 Behind the scenes Creation and development I tend to gravitate towards stories of women, of young women in situations as I did with Felicity and Alias . And we were talking about Who could this be and I saw this young woman. 8213J. J. Abrams 91src93 When Lucasfilm set out to create the Star Wars sequel trilogy. which would be released under the banner of The Walt Disney Company after its acquisition of Lucasfilm, it became clear to them that Star Wars could not just rely on the heroes of the original trilogy and would need to create a new generation of characters to take up the mantle. One such character was Rey, who, in the development process for Star Wars . Episode VII The Force Awakens . was known as Kira. 11 She was conceived as the protagonist from the projects beginning, with the original screenwriter, Michael Arndt. agreeing to write the film when he was told it would be the origin story of a female Jedi. 12 He described Kira as a loner hothead, gear-head, badass. 11 J. J. Abrams. who was chosen as the films director, quickly gravitated towards the idea of a female lead, and to the notion that the character, living thirty years after Star Wars . Episode VI Return of the Jedi . would not know who Luke Skywalker was or even regard him as a myth. 13 Abrams was also drawn to the idea of a female Jedi being at the center of the Star Wars story. 14 Luke Skywalker himself posed a challenge to the character who became Rey while Arndt was working on the early iterations of the film. In early drafts of the story, Arndt wrote that Reys home was destroyed and she goes off a journey where she meets Luke and then defeats the villain. Arndt felt like Lukes presence upstaged Rey, thinking that every time Luke entered a scene he overshadowed her character because the audience would want to know more about him. Ultimately, the writers chose to make Luke the MacGuffin of the film, with Reys journey culminating in discovering Luke in exile. 15 Concept art of Kira in a spaceport, by Andre Wallin As the story was developed, Kira had two male companions: Sam, who became Finn. and a character then-known only as John Doe. John Doe was originally her partner, was briefly thought of as a Jedi, and then cast as a bounty hunter. He eventually evolved into a member of the Republic military, before evolving away from being part of Kiras story and becoming Poe Dameron. Kira was conceived as a scavenger in junk yards early on. At one point, an alien junk dealer was introduced into the story and Kira worked in a sort of used car lot that was run by a former Republic pilot, who was an elderly father figure for Kira. From this job, she would watch starships arrive and depart every day, giving her dreams of leaving her backwater world 11 8212a trait that made its way into the final film. 3 Her skills with a pilot were also part of early concept art, including one depicting Kira flying a starfighter and fighting Star Destroyers. Her speeder, which in concept art also took the form of a small ship, was devised as a hero ship, one that could show the audience something about the character and her abilities to assemble a craft through various different parts. 11 By November 2013. the films costume department created its first drawings for what Kiras costumes would look like. Initially, her costume design was going to have a lot of gear for climbing and tools because of her scavenging work, but the production team chose to go with a simpler look and pared the costume down. The final design was approved in February 2014. including the goggles that she wore while scavenging. The genesis of the goggles came from the production team not wanting people to know who the character was at first, including whether she was male, female, or even human. Her home, built in a downed AT-AT, was constructed in Abu Dhabi at the end of a mangrove swamp, which was the only place that the production could find that had a clear horizon and was flat and desolate. Abrams said that because the characters existence was miserable during her time on Jakku, he wanted her home to be built somewhere that seemed equally miserable. 11 Casting and portrayal Shes not a superhero. Shes a normal girl thrust into extraordinary circumstances, so its very relatable. 8213Daisy Ridley 91src93 Daisy Ridley won the role of Rey after several auditions over the course of seven months. In looking to cast the new film, Disney issued casting calls for a female lead and a male lead in The Force Awakens . The female lead, referred to only as Rachel, sought a young woman to play a character between the ages of 17 and 18. The character was described as beautiful, smart, and athletic, and it was open to all ethnicities, as Abrams sought to diversify the saga and did not have any particular ethnicity in mind for the casting of the lead roles. The casting call provided vague bits of backstory for the character, saying that she was young when she lost her family and had to learn how to survive with strength, street smarts, humor, and guts in a dangerous town. 16 Just like the final version of the character, 3 and Luke Skywalker before her, 17 the casting call further said that Rachel hoped she would one day escape her lot in life and move on to a better existence. 16 Of the many actresses who auditioned for the role of Rey, the part went to Daisy Ridley. while young Rey was portrayed by Cailey Fleming in Reys vision scene on Takodana. 18 Ridley felt compelled to audition after hearing about the role, saying she had this really weird feeling that ultimately led her to securing the role of the sagas newest hero. 19 The audition process took seven months and Ridley went through four or five auditions over that period before securing the role. At first, she was sour on her chances and did not believe her first few auditions were any good. By the time she made it to the final audition, however, Ridley said that it felt like everything clicked into place. Abrams intentionally wanted to cast an unknown like Ridley because he wanted the audience to discover her, and other new characters, as characters rather than as actors they had seen in other projects. 20 After securing the role, for three months Ridley did not tell anyone that she was the new lead in the Star Wars franchise. 21 She spent those three months training for the role after being asked to build up muscle, in order to credibly come across as a person who could lift heavy metals in the junkfields of Jakku and ultimately fight stormtroopers. 20 Kennedy hopes that a female Jedi like Rey, played here by Daisy Ridley, can be an inspiration for young girls. The creation of a female lead and the casting of Ridley was deliberate. Kathleen Kennedy. the president of Lucasfilm and producer of The Force Awakens . said that there was no chance that a Star Wars film in 2015 was going to be released without diversity and balance. With the casting of Ridley, Kennedy said that they had found someone who who had a physicality and self-confidence that Rey needed, as well as an optimism about how anything was possible8212a trait mirroring Ridleys own rise from unknown actress to Star Wars hero. 20 Ridley herself said that the character can serve as an inspiration for young girls around the world who, through Rey, can see a progressive 22 and relatable female character on the big screen. 23 For the films soundtrack. composer John Williams wrote Reys Theme and used it as the primary character motif of the film. Williams felt empathy for the character when he first saw her in the unfinished film, as she was introduced alone and without her family, so he wanted the theme to convey that empathy. He gave the track a musical grammar that was intended to be more of an adventure theme rather than a heros theme, one infused with the promise of more adventure and heroic resolution to come. 24 Reys Theme recurs throughout the soundtrack, including in The Scavenger, That Girl with the Staff, Farewell and The Trip, and The Jedi Steps and Finale. 25 AppearancesMaple Story 1.Our promise for Maple Story Mesos sending is 8 mins-24 hours. 2.After you pay, please contact with our online support. we will arrange a face to face trade with you in game. 3.If you any questions, you can see the FAQ first. If your questions are not included in FAQ page, you can contact us by any way listing on the site. 4.All virtual currency, powerleveling service we are selling is made by human hand. Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold MapleStory is a free-of-charge, 2D, side-scrolling massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by the South Korean company Wizet. Several versions of the game are available for specific countries or regions, and each is published by various companies such as Wizet and Nexon. Although playing the game is free, character appearances and gameplay enhancements can be purchased from the Cash Shop using real money. MapleStory has a combined total of over 50 million subscriber accounts in all of its versions. MapleStory North America (Global), for players mainly in North America and outside of East Asia, Southeast Asia and Europe, has over three million players. In the game, players travel the Maple World, defeating monsters and developing their characters skills and abilities as is typical in role-playing games. Players can interact with others in many ways, such as through chatting, trading, and playing minigames. Groups of players can band together in parties to hunt monsters and share the rewards. Players can also join a guild to interact more easily with each other. Like most MMORPGs, gameplay centers on venturing into dungeons and combatting monsters in real-time. The players combat monsters and complete quests, in the process acquiring in-game currency called Mesos, experience points (EXP), and various items. Players can kill monsters alone, or they can form a party with up to six total characters. Loot is shared based on relative damage and level of characters in the party, more being awarded to the higher-level members. MapleStorys 2D scrolling viewpoint more closely resembles a platform game rather than the typical 3D environment or top-down perspective of other games, such as Guild Wars or Mu Online. The controls for the game are executed using the keyboard and mouse. The keyboard is used for many game functions, and much of it can be rearranged to suit users needs. The mouse is mainly used to trigger non-player characters (NPCs) and manipulate items. MapleStory characters exist in worlds or servers. Players are allowed to create multiple characters in each world. Each world, similar in content between each other in the same version, is split into at most twenty channels, among which characters are allowed to freely switch. The ability to transfer entire characters between worlds was added in December 2007 to GlobalMS. However, this feature has a restriction. transfer of mesos is limited to 1 million, and players cannot transfer to the newest world. goldicq are offering cheapest Maple Story Mesos or Maplestory Mesos to our clients. Prices slashed 20 off and another Gold offered free with your order. Nowhere else can you find such a great sale Join us and get your Maple Story Mesos and Maplestory Mesos . Keep an eye on our special sale everyday :) Here is the best place for the Maple Story players to buy your Maple Story Mesos amp Maplestory Mesos . We are the professional website for Maple Story Mesos amp Maplestory Mesos selling. We just offer the lowest price for Maple Story Mesos and the best service, we are 247 online, if you have any problems with buying Maple Mesos . you can contact us anytime and we will try our best to solve your problems. Our slogan:Cheapest price, Fast delivery, Best service 1.Our promise for Maple Story Gold, items, accounts sending is in 8 mins-24 hours. 2.Fill in your character name(in game name) and your contact way when you place an order. 3.After you pay, please contact with our online support . we will arrange a face to face trade with you or mail to you in game. 4.If you have any questions, you can see the FAQ first. If your questions are not included in FAQ page, just contact our live chat . Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold. Skype: goldicqteam (Customer Service,24 X 7 Online) Tel: 001(707) 304-5533 Sell to us Skype: Avoid cheated by fake Skype names, just click the Skype icon to send friend request instead of searching us on Skype. live:320123364 (24 X 7 Online) goldicq (full, please add the first one) (Be careful of scammers using fake skype names to cheat, please click here to see details.) QQWechat: 320123364

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